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Privacy Policy

Protection of Personal Data Data Collected

The personal data collected on this site includes the following:

- Account creation: When a user creates an account, we collect their name, first name, email address, phone number, and postal address.

- Login: When a user logs into the website, we record their name, first name, login data, usage data, location data, and payment data.

- Profile: The use of services on the website allows users to provide a profile, which may include an address and phone number.

- Payment: In the context of payment for products and services offered on the website, we collect financial data related to the user's bank account or credit card.

- Communication: When the website is used for communication with other members, data regarding user communications is temporarily stored.

- Cookies: Cookies are used as part of the website's usage. Users have the option to disable cookies through their browser settings.

Use of Personal Data

The personal data collected from users serves the purpose of providing website services, improving services, and maintaining a secure environment. Specifically, the uses include:

- User access and usage of the website

- Management of website operations and optimization

- Organization of terms for using payment services

- Verification, identification, and authentication of user-submitted data

- Enabling user communication with other website users

- Implementation of user support

- Sending commercial and advertising information based on user preferences

Sharing of Personal Data with Third Parties

Personal data may be shared with third-party companies in the following cases:

- When a user utilizes payment services, the website is in collaboration with third-party banking and financial companies with whom contracts have been established.

- When a user publishes information in free comment sections of the website that is accessible to the public.

- When a user authorizes a third-party website to access their data.

- When the website uses service providers to provide user support, advertising, and payment services. These providers have limited access to user data within the scope of their services and are contractually obligated to use it in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

- If required by law, the website may transmit data to address claims made against the website and to comply with administrative and judicial procedures.

- If the website is involved in a merger, acquisition, asset transfer, or judicial restructuring, it may transfer or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In such cases, users would be notified before personal data is transferred to a third party.

Security and Confidentiality

The website implements organizational, technical, software, and physical measures for digital security to protect personal data against alteration, destruction, and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the internet is not a completely secure environment, and the website cannot guarantee the security of information transmission or storage on the internet.

Implementation of User Rights

In accordance with applicable data protection regulations, users have the following rights, which they can exercise by making a request to the following address: [email protected].

- Right of access: Users can exercise their right to access their personal data. In this case, the website may request proof of the user's identity before implementing this right to ensure its accuracy.

- Right of rectification: If the personal data held by the website is inaccurate, users can request the updating of the information.

- Right to erasure of data: Users can request the deletion of their personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

- Right to restriction of processing: Users can request the website to limit the processing of their personal data in accordance with the conditions provided by the GDPR.

- Right to object to data processing: Users can object to their data being processed in accordance with the conditions provided

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